I always liked spelling at school and find it interesting that so many people struggle when asked to spell out everyday words like ecstasy, woollen, sheriff, queue, paraffin, & manoeuvre. Two common errors are a) the wrong application of the words there, their, & they're, and b) using the word lead instead of led. Lead is a metal.
The Fall Guy
JoinedPosts by The Fall Guy
Serious Issue ....... that MUST be Addressed !!!!!
by Simon inthis is such an important issue, more and more people are succumbing to what must be some viral outbreak wreaking havoc in the world.. i'm talking about unnecessary punctuation.. it's easy to become infected.
you want to write something and add some emphasis so you add an exclamation mark to make it "important!
" but dang, it's not important enough is it??
For ACTIVE JW's: Are you watching/waiting/preaching that Armageddon is near?
by The Fall Guy inif so, exactly who told you to live in expectation of this event?
"test the inspired expressions" you've been fed, by reading what your "silver sword" says on the subject.. (matthew 24:36) “concerning that day and hour nobody knows,....only the father.
(matthew 24:42) keep on the watch, therefore, because you do not know on what day your lord is coming.
The Fall Guy
If so, exactly who told you to live in expectation of this event?
"Test the inspired expressions" you've been fed, by reading what your "silver sword" says on the subject.
(Matthew 24:36) “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows,....only the Father.
(Matthew 24:42) Keep on the watch, therefore, because you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.
(Matthew 24:44) .....the Son of man is coming at an hour that you do not think to be it.
(Matthew 25:13) “Keep on the watch, therefore, because you know neither the day nor the hour. ,
(Mark 13:35) Keep on the watch, therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming.
(Acts 1:7) He said to them: “It does not belong to you to know the times or seasons that the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction.
(1 Thessalonians 5:2) For you yourselves know very well that Jehovah’s day is coming exactly as a thief in the night.
(2 Peter 3:10) But Jehovah’s day will come as a thief,
(Revelation 16:15) “Look! I am coming as a thief. Happy is the one who stays awake and keeps his outer garments,
nwtsty Mark Study Notes—Chapter 14 - keep on the watch: Lit., “stay awake.” Jesus had emphasized the need for his disciples to stay awake spiritually [not to try and guess or predict when the end would come] because of not knowing the day and hour of his coming............showing that spiritual alertness (not looking/waiting for Armageddon) is vital for true Christians.
Things you will never hear a good Jehovah’s Witness say (to another Jehovah’s Witness)
by hoser ini’ll start it off.
boy did we get drunk last night.
The Fall Guy
Aren't all elders' wives such good role models!!
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
by JW Answers inthe bodily resurrection of the lord jesus is pivotal for the christian faith, yet the jehovah's witnesses do not believe that the lord jesus christ rose again in a body.
the watchtower have taught their followers that the lord jesus christ rose again as a spirit creature, and that his body was disposed, disintegrated and dissolved by god the father.
in this video, i explain the differences to what the jehovah's witnesses teach and what god's word teaches, showing without any dispute that the watchtower organisation is false, and that we can always rely on god's word.
The Fall Guy
JW ANSWERS - Are you aware that this is not a forum for active JW's?
The people here already know the WTBTS/CCoJW is "false", to use your term.
Then again, out of the countless thousands of Protestant denominations who undoubtedly dispute each other's beliefs, which one is "true" in your opinion?
The astounding fact is that this list is not complete!
Wacky Baccy Eh! Cannabis Now Legal in Canada
by Simon inso canada has legalized pot / marijuana / cannabis and you can go to stores today and buy some.
the local news is covering it here in calgary with crowds of thousands expected at one of only 2 stores licensed in the city but last i saw, there were only 7 people in the line so who knows how popular it will be.
i imagine all the people who really wanted to get it could already get it easily so this is more about expanding the market to new users who will be less inclined to queue for hours on day 1.. apparently you'll also be able to purchase online with discreet delivery by canada post.
The Fall Guy
I hear that orders can even be made via the telephone - by pressing the hash key! :)
Family is now reaping what they sowed and they don't like it.
by Gemmel ini resigned from the jw's in my 20's over 30 years ago, i was immediately shunned by my entire family and it's remained that way with a few exceptions ever since.
one of those exceptions was being contacted by a cousin a few years back and during that conversation i discovered that my mother had been and still was the prime mover in my complete and continuing shunning.
i then used what contacts i had left to confirm it.
The Fall Guy
I would have asked your brother if he was prepared to mend bridges with you and treat you as his brother from now on - if you agreed to his begging request.
His inevitable indoctrinated response would have terminated the discussion - and any further contact.
Have a great early retirement.
Married for 30 years
by nugget intoday we celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary and my sons 16th birthday.
i feel privileged to be able to show my appreciation and love for both the men in my life without feeling guilt.
we left in 2009 as a family and have not regretted the choice.
The Fall Guy
Congratulations on choosing to live your lives on your own terms!
Blonde Jokes
by Bangalore inblonde jokes.. two blondes went to the pound where each adopted a puppy.
the joy of their new best friend was quickly overshadowed when they got home and the first blonde said, "i think we're in trouble, how are we going to tell them apart?
" this lead to several hours of concentration until finally, the second blonde said, "i've got an idea.
The Fall Guy
A blonde's twin sister repeated the last joke.
If the Bible is truly the word of God then why are their so many different Translations ?
by smiddy3 innot only are their different translations from different denominations ,like the greek orthodox ,russian orthodox ,roman catholic .various protestant versions and others as well as the nwt of jw`s.. however various denominations print different versions of the bible which fair enough may only be minor differences yet at the same time they are differences to what they previously printed .?.
and some have serious discrepancies .. as if they are trying to get to the true meaning of what god or jesus christ actually said or meant ?.
are they for real ?
The Fall Guy
"Follow the money" is the mantra which inescapably applies to Christianity, regardless of the denomination.
Christianity is too good a business opportunity to let slip by. People of faith don't control it.
Menrov nailed it - "faith is not through the written word, manipulation is."
The money-men dictate how the belief system is designed & followed.
Court documents reveal Watchtower's tactics in Montana child abuse case
by LevelThePlayingField inthere were numerous objections and claims that watchtower lawyers made to try and get out of being held responsible for their negligence and malice.
here’s the juicy ones:.
montana is a mandatory reporting state, but watchtower lawyers claimed that the law for reporting abuse only applies to “individuals” and they are “corporations”.
The Fall Guy
Good post LTPF. Thanks.
@ zeb - "Imagine elders wishing to obtain legal insurance."
In the UK, trustees of charities are strongly advised to take out personal liability insurance as trustees of charities can individually & collectively be sued.
I've never met any trustees [elders] in any congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses who even considered protecting themselves in this way.
You'd think the "faithful slave-master" would protect them by warning them, wouldn't you?